My Buddy Mike came to town so we made a run up to Tommy Knocker in Idaho Springs Colorado, after that we explored some of the back ways to Black Hawk. We ended up taking a road that was not maintained in winter. On the 2011 Range Rover SC we have street tires. I switched it over to snow mode but we couldn’t continue to climb through the snow during an especially high peak. I think perhaps if we put turned off DSC it may have helped, but for now, I am a bit disappointed in DSC, because I felt it limited my power up the hill when I needed it most.

The rest of this story is now featured in our first Range Rover Book Cliff’s Unofficial L322 ‘Full Fat’ Range Rover Buyers Guide. Please consider purchasing the ebook to support the site, you can also find it under local amazon with keywords L322 Book. Finally the moral of this story is always ALWAYS TURN OFF DSC in snow, on mountains, in limited traction scenarios.